Why should choose Ohkuma?
- Customer Satisfaction and Quick response,
- Able make Japan’s quality in Indonesia’s price
- Can Produce with small quantity to large quantity (wide variety)
- Short lead time process
- Good quality & on time delivery
- Able to handling for urgent order with short lead time
- Urgent change design with short lead time
QCD Commitment
- Customer Satisfaction and Quick response,
- Able make Japan’s quality in Indonesia’s price
- Can Produce with small quantity to large quantity (wide variety)
- Short lead time process
- Good quality & on time delivery
- Able to handling for urgent order with short lead time
- Urgent change design with short lead time
Environment, Health, Safety Commitment
- Conduct EHS training for all employee both in house and public training
- Conduct 5S and Safety Patrol periodically
- Environment check periodically by certified environment laboratory to ensure all production activities fulfillment of Government regulation
- Make safety induction for visitors, environment policy and program
1. Selalu mengutamakan kepuasan dan kepercayaan dari Pelanggan,
Customers Satisfaction and Trust to be our priority,
2. Melakukan perbaikan secara terus menerus dan kreatif melalui peningkatan mutu produk dan keefektifan perbaikan sistem Manajemen Mutu dan lingkungan dengan berbasis management risk thinking secara berkesinambungan,
Committing to make continual improvement and creative through increasing of quality product and make effective improvement of Quality and Environment management system based on management risk thinking by continual proces,
3. Berkomitmen untuk melakukan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan mencegah pencemaran lingkungan serta eksploitasi sumber daya alam sesuai peraturan dan perundangan serta persyaratan lain,
Committing to develop of Human Resources and preventing of environmental pollution and exploitation natural resources in accordance with Government rules and others regulations.
4. Berdasarkan kebijakan mutu tersebut, ditetapkan sasaran dan rencana mutu serta lingkungan dimana seluruh karyawan dan management ikut serta bertekad untuk mencapai kebijakan mutu tersebut.
Based on those policy, Management set up the Quality Environment plan and target to follow and reach up by Management and Employee